Amazing knowledge Electrical Safety Quiz

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  1. Question 1. What is dangerous when mixed together?
  2. Question 2. What item should never be taken into the bathroom?
  3. Question 3. Where must you never put a cup full of drink?
  4. Question 4. What must you do before you touch electrical items with wet hands?
  5. Question 5. Where should leads from electrical items never be left?
  6. Question 6. What should you do if the light bulb stops working in your room?
  7. Question 7. What should you never do?
  1. The correct answer to question 1 is: Water and electricity
  2. The correct answer to question 2 is: Plugged in electrical items
  3. The correct answer to question 3 is: On or near electrical things
  4. The correct answer to question 4 is: Dry them properly
  5. The correct answer to question 5 is: Trailed across the floor
  6. The correct answer to question 6 is: Tell a grown up straight away
  7. The correct answer to question 7 is: Poke anything into the hole of an electrical socket